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Headteacher's update 8 November 2024

Dear Parents and Carers

Thank you for supporting students to come back to school in the positive manner that they have this week. There has been a lot happening in school in the last couple of weeks. Year 11 students have returned from Barcelona and have had many great experiences there. We also took a theatre trip to see Run Rebel on the last day of term and the students spoke positively of this experience.

As ever, attendance continues to be our number one priority and in particular the pattern of attendance that we see across the week.  Next week is our second attendance week where we will be sharing information with young people and yourselves about their attendance to date. We welcome you contacting us if you are concerned about attendance so we can work together to support each young person.

Thank you to those of you who have shared feedback regarding homework systems with us recently. We have considered your feedback and reviewed how we communicate regarding homework. Next week, students will receive emails enabling them to create an access login for student portal of Arbor. The student App version is not yet available, but they will be able to access the Arbor portal.

What’s going on in school:

  • Year 11 GCSE Spanish students spent 4 days in Barcelona this week, honing their language skills in advance of their mock speaking exams. With a slight delay on their outbound flight, the captain invited them to the cockpit to look around. They finally landed in Barcelona to blue skies and sunshine and spent the next few days sightseeing, with trips to Camp Nou, La Boqueria market, Basilica de la Sagrada Familia, Casa Milo and Casa Batllo, the Olympic stadium and a flamenco show.

Barcelona trip

Barcelona trip

Barcelona trip

Barcelona trip

  • Congratulations to brothers Kaleb (Y8) and Logan (Y11), who took part in the World Kickboxing competition in Portugal over half term. 33 countries took part, with nearly 500 competitors representing England. Kaleb won bronze in his age/weight category, whilst Logan won silver in his height and weight category and bronze in the team event. Well done to both of them!



  • We are delighted to share with you that Hope Valley College has been selected as one of the Lead Secondary Schools for Music in Derbyshire! Well done to Mrs Machan and all involved with this fantastic achievement.
  • The Young Hope Leaders are looking for more people to join them and help make a difference to those in need. See Ms Reynolds for more information.

Make a difference poster

English work

  • We are excited to announce that our HVC Choir passed the Disney audition and will perform on stage as part of their upcoming trip in 2025! Well done to everyone involved. You worked so hard to prepare the songs and Disney were very impressed! Below is the rehearsal schedule for this half term:

Disney choir dates

ATL reports

Paper copies of ATL reports have been given to students to bring home and will be shared with parents electronically via the Arbor App next week.

Y11 mocks

The Y11 mocks will run from Monday 25 November to Friday 6 December (please note that the French and Spanish speaking exams will take place between 18th November - 21st November).  Please see the link to the timetable below, more details about these exams will be available after half term and students will be handed their statement of entry nearer the time. 

Exams - Hope Valley College (

Children In Need – Friday 15 November

Friday 15 November will be a non-uniform day in aid of Children in Need, with a suggested voluntary donation of £1 per student. Donations can be made via Parent Pay or in cash on the day via tutors.

Scholastic Book Fair

There will be a Scholastic Book Fair in the library after half term, from Friday 29 November to Friday 6 December. Students can buy books and stationery every lunchtime that week. Parents/carers are welcome to come and browse after school up to 5pm or by arrangement on the Wednesday and Thursday.

Dates for Your Diary

  • Tuesday 12 November – Y11 Subject Evening
  • Friday 15 November – non-uniform day for Children in Need
  • w/c Monday 25 November – Y11 mock exams
  • Thursday 21 November – GCSE Presentation Evening
  • Wednesday 27 November – PTFA AGM
  • Thursday 12 December – Carol Concert at St Peter’s Church, Hope
  • Tuesday 17 December – Festive Showcase – NEW DATE!
  • Friday 20 December – Break for Christmas

Thank you for reading our communication. Here are some helpful email addresses, should you need to contact us:

Kind regards

Debbie Petts
Headteacher, Hope Valley College