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Travel to School

Getting to our school

Hope Valley College serves a wide geographical area and the majority of the students travel to and from school by bus or coach.

Within Derbyshire

Derbyshire County Council provides home to school transport for students living more than 4.8km from the college but within the normal catchment area. For further information on transport arrangements, please contact Derbyshire County Council (tel: 01629 536739). Further details are available on the Derbyshire County Council website.

From Sheffield

There are public buses that run from Sheffield to Hope Valley College. These are:

  • 257: Bakewell - Sheffield (operated by Hulleys of Baslow)
  • 272: Sheffield - Castleton (operated by First South Yorkshire)

A weekly ChildFirstWeek (First South Yorkshire)/Hope Valley Student Hopper (Hulleys) ticket is available to purchase for £12 per week, with the production of a valid South Yorkshire concession card (a Zoom card) for proof of age.

Current transport services

Timetables for bus services to and from school from September 2024 are available to download below:

If you want to set up your own transport solution, please contact us to discuss further. We may be able to put you in touch with other parents who have gone through this process.

Telephone: 01433 620555 or email:

Hope Valley Pathways (post-16) transport services

For further information on transport to Hope Valley Pathways, please contact school by telephone: 01433 620555 or email: