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Headteacher's update 18 October 2024

Dear Parents and Carers 

We come to the end of Week 7.  We hosted a tense football match earlier in the week, which went down to penalties, and our Key Stage 4 football team showed immense sportsmanship and real grit and determination. We also hosted a netball match on Wednesday and our student body again represented themselves impeccably.  

This term several of our assemblies have focuses on British Values, tolerance and inclusivity and we aim to raise students’ awareness of these topics. This month is the 10th anniversary of 'Show Racism the Red Card Day' which was an initiative that was launched as part of equality actions within the football league and Premier League.  We would like to recognise this work with a non-uniform day on the last day of half term (Friday 25th October). Students are encouraged to wear either something red or their favourite football shirt.

As ever, attendance continues to be a focus for us, and I would like to thank parents and carers who have asked for support with their young person.  As we enter Week 8, it is a critical time for teaching and learning as courses are well underway and teaching is moving towards assessments for key year groups.

What’s going on in school:

  • Last Thursday, HVC hosted the Primary Sports Cluster Cross Country Races. We had over 250 students from 8 local Primary schools running - even Reception students raced! Well done to the Sports Leaders and thank you to local volunteers for ensuring this event ran smoothly. It was fantastic to see so many young people participating, helping one another and demonstrating a lot of resilience to run through the mud! A special mention to Bamford Primary School who won the Primary Sports Values for this event. 

  • Y7 students took part in their first interhouse sports event this week, with football and netball matches being played. Mam Tor were the netball champions, whilst Kinder won the football. Well done to all who played.
  • KS3 netball teams took part in a tournament against Chapel High School on Wednesday evening. All students played brilliantly! Don’t forget that netball training takes place every Wednesday after school – all welcome!

Upcoming English Assessments

Revision materials are available on Teams - General - English

Year Topic Timing Date

Year 7

Write about an adventure/quest

35 minutes


wc 21 October

Year 8

10 multiple choice questions based on the knowledge organiser

Write a gothic story or description inspired by the image

45 minutes


wc 21 October

Year 9 

10 multiple choice questions based on the knowledge organiser

Label and analysis of methods

Essay in response to a poem from Run, Rebel

45 minutes


wc 11 November

Year 10

10 multiple choice questions based on An Inspector Calls

Extract and mini-essay

Guided essay response

45 minutes 

(Classroom unless concessions)

Tuesday 22 October P3

Year 11 

English Language Paper 1 (Explorations in creative reading and writing)

English Literature Paper 1 (Macbeth A Christmas Carol)

1.45 minutes

 (Hall unless concessions)

wc 25 November


The PTFA will be holding their AGM on Wednesday 26 November at 8pm in the tea rooms section of the Old Hall Pub in Hope. All welcome!

Dates for Your Diary

  • Friday 25 October – Break for Half Term
  • Monday 4 November – INSET day
  • Tuesday 5 November – all students back in school
  • Tuesday 12 November – Y11 Subject Evening
  • w/c Monday 25 November – Y11 mock exams
  • Thursday 21 November – GCSE Presentation Evening
  • Wednesday 26 November – PTFA AGM
  • Thursday 5 December – Festive Showcase
  • Thursday 12 December – Carol Concert at St Peter’s Church, Hope
  • Friday 20 December – Break for Christmas

Thank you for reading our communication. Here are some helpful email addresses, should you need to contact us:

Kind regards

Debbie Petts
Headteacher, Hope Valley College