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Headteacher's Update 4 October 2024

Duke of Edinburgh expedition

Dear Parents and Carers

We come to the end of another busy week in school. We have spent time this week supporting our Year 11 students with learning about revision and have said goodbye to our Danish counterparts for another year.  It is always such a fantastic experience for our students to make global connections and hopefully life-long friends.

We have experienced lots of positives in school this week, not least the exemplary behaviour of our students on two extremely wet days earlier in the week. School feels like a calm, and productive environment and students are demonstrating regularly that they are able to meet our high expectations. Next week our focus is on attendance. We continue to keep a focus on Fridays as our overall attendance drops by 4% on Fridays compared to other days in the week. This is something we shall look at in order to help our students maximise participation in their education.

As you will be aware, we are in the process of reviewing our mobile phone policy in school. You will receive a separate letter from Mrs Petts asking for your views on mobile phones in schools.  We are already seeing the positive impact of reducing the times when students are able to access phones during the day. Part of our decision to move to student planners was to remove the need for students to check ClassCharts on their devices during the school day. We do understand that there are some frustrations as we navigate our new systems and we thank you for your patience. Staff are currently reviewing how we best use Arbor to communicate and keep you informed.  We are grateful for your feedback as we establish the most effective ways to use Arbor as a homework and behaviour system. 

Thank you to you, the parents and carers who continue to support your young people, especially in the many after school events we have held this week. We value this partnership greatly.

Attendance Week 

Next week is our first Attendance Week of the school year, during which we will be sharing attendance certificates and reviewing attendance with all students. This is because we know that students who attend more than 9 days out of 10 achieve significantly higher grades than those students who do not. In addition, students who attend school regularly benefit from social interaction and the wealth of extra-curricular activities that are available to them. Where attendance is lower than 90%, we are required to write to parents to inform them of this. Please be assured that our aim is prevention and support, as working together to support your child to access education is always the main objective and the earlier this happens, the more effective it is. Please contact school if you have questions about this. 

What’s going on in school:

  • Students in Y9 and Y10 took part in our inter-house football tournament on Thursday morning. Losehill were the winners in Y10, whilst Mam Tor just clinched the victory in Y9 on goal difference. Well done to all involved.
  • Y11 students involved in the Duke of Edinburgh Award completed their final expedition last weekend, with an overnight camp in Edale in chilly conditions! Despite the cold temperatures, they were positive and enthusiastic throughout. In total, 10 teams were out on assessment, involving 55 students and 13 staff and volunteers. Well done to all involved – a great achievement!

Duke of Edinburgh expedition

Duke of Edinburgh expedition

Duke of Edinburgh expedition

  • Our Primary Sports Events at HVC have started with a Girls’ Football Festival and a KS2 Football Tournament. It was amazing to see so many young people playing to a high standard and demonstrating respect to each other, the Sports Leaders and other staff. It was a good test for our new Sports Leaders - with 11 teams to organise, it wasn't an easy first event, however they were amazing, professional and organised. They demonstrated great coaching techniques already - well done!
  • We welcomed a second group of Danish students into school this week. They have been experiencing life at HVC with their Y10 buddies. Students enjoyed some social time on Tuesday afternoon with board games and table tennis, plus and England v. Denmark impromptu game of football. Students also attended a gala dinner at the Palace Hotel in Buxton on Wednesday evening. We look forward to welcoming our Danish friends back next year.

Danish visitors

  • We’ve been celebrating National Poetry Day in the library, with a display of teachers' favourite poems and a "Poet-Tree", where students have penned and pinned their own English and Danish poems on autumn leaves. 


Here's a gem by Jasper in Y7:

Pairs of socks are like twins
Of all pieces of clothing, it easily wins.
Every time I go to my dresser
The socks are never grouped with the lesser.
Ready to wear, always in pairs,
You'll always know where they are -
Up the stairs!


Dates for Your Diary

  • Wednesday 9 October – Y7 Information Evening
  • Friday 25 October – Break for Half Term
  • Monday 4 November – INSET day
  • Tuesday 5 November – all students back in school.
  • Tuesday 12 November – Y11 Subject Evening
  • w/c Monday 25 November – Y11 mock exams
  • Thursday 28 November – GCSE Presentation Evening
  • Thursday 5 December – Festive Showcase
  • Thursday 12 December – Carol Concert at St Peter’s Church, Hope
  • Friday 20 December – Break for Christmas


Thank you for reading our communication. Here are some helpful email addresses, should you need to contact us:

Kind regards

Debbie Petts
Headteacher, Hope Valley College