Headteacher's update 6 September 2024

Dear Parents and Carers
We have only completed 2 days of the academic year so far, but it has been such an uplifting experience to have our students back in school this week. Year 7 have made a fantastic start to their Hope Valley College careers, and I took the time to talk to all year groups on Thursday to share how excited I was to be their headteacher. It is such a privilege to lead this school and I have smiled constantly for the last two days. Hopefully our young people have enjoyed coming back to school as much as I have.
Student Planners
This week, students have started to use their new planners which contain lots of useful information about school life and will enable them to keep track of what they need to know without relying on their phones. When staff set a homework task, students will make a note of what they need to do in their planners. To keep parents up to date about the tasks being set, staff will also add an ‘assignment’ in Arbor. Once your young person has been set an assignment, you will see it appear on the Arbor Parent app. If you have not yet set up the Arbor parent app and need some help with it, please contact our Data Officer at school by emailing: enquiries@hopevalley.chorustrust.org
Next week, we will share more information about homework including a schedule showing how much homework to expect week by week in years 7-9 and some advice about supporting young people to complete homework successfully.
School Photographer
The photographer will be in school on Monday 9 September to take photos of all students. Please ensure that your young person is wearing the correct uniform. Thank you.
We have a limited number of lockers available in school. These are available to all year groups and are rented directly from a company called Secure Locker Rentals. The cost for the academic year is £26.
The lockers are in blocks of 4 and will be situated in small numbers throughout school. They are a standard size of 30cm wide x 40cm high x 45cm deep and once booked you will receive a 4 digit code that is used to unlock it.
PTFA Event – Saturday 28 September
Please join us on Saturday 28 September for an evening of music. Tickets are available from Ticketsource – please scan the QR code on the poster below.
Thank you for reading our communication. Here are some helpful email addresses, should you need to contact us:
- attendance@hopevalley.chorustrust.org to report a child’s absence
- enquiries@hopevalley.chorustrust.org for general enquiries
- pastoral@hopevalley.chorustrust.org for any issue with a child’s wellbeing
- headteacher@hopevalley.chorustrust.org to contact the Headteacher
- safeguarding@hopevalley.chorustrust.org to report safeguarding concerns. If a child or any young person is in imminent danger, then please report this to the police.
- ptfahv@hopevalley.chorustrust.org to contact the PTFA
Kind regards
Debbie Petts
Headteacher, Hope Valley College