Headteacher's update 29 November 2024

Dear Parents and Carers
We have had a welcome respite from the challenging weather of the week before and this has allowed for a much more settled week in school. At this point in the year, I am required to review what progress we are making as a school and there are lots of positives to focus on.
Year 11 have completed a full week of mocks. A group of students took part in the local cross-country competition, the school band are all ready to welcome in the month of December by playing at Hathersage swimming pool on Sunday.
As we move into December, it is even more important that we keep our expectations of our young people high in their learning, behaviour and attendance. Please take some time to read the message below around these as it is important that the working partnership between home and school continues to work well so that we can best support our young people.
The DfE have released figures that the national attendance rate across all secondary schools is 92.7%. As a school, our attendance is consistently 2% below this level. We have completed 2 rounds of our attendance week and we would like to thank you for your support with this. We will be carefully monitoring attendance during the month of December and will look to reward high levels of attendance during the month of December.
We would ask that you ensure that your young person has the right equipment each day so that they are ready to learn in each lesson. We have increasing numbers of young people leaving lessons for a drink and this can be eliminated by providing your young person with a water bottle to keep with them. Water bottles are available from reception for £1.50.
We would ask that you ensure that your young people have clean, correct uniform in good condition. Our uniform expectations are on our website and students also have a copy of these in their planners. Students now have log-ins for Arbor and can review the mentions that they receive from staff. Recent assemblies have focused on politeness and kindness to others, and we would ask that you support us in sharing this message.
What’s going on in school:
- Last week, Miss Nicklin visited one of our former students Eleanor, who is completing her MA in Fashion and Entrepreneurship at Jimmy Choo London. Eleanor won her first award for fashion whilst at HVC, when she entered a competition at Sheffield Hallam University with a recycled dress. She is now creating amazing pieces, and her current collection includes innovative clothing for men, inspired by her Grandad who was a spy in the war. Eleanor plans to come to speak to our GCSE Textiles class about her experiences.
- Our annual Scholastic Book Fair began today and will be open in the library every lunchtime until December 6 for the sale of brand new books, some at bargain prices, as well as all sorts of stationery and pocket-money treats. Preferred payment method is cash but please ask if you would prefer to use ParentPay. All takings from the Fair bring us rewards to 'spend' on free books for the library. The books can be viewed after school on Wednesday and Thursday by arrangement; please contact Mrs Mummery if you'd like to come and browse. There might be some Christmas present solutions here for you!
- Our fantastically talented Big Band are performing in the band stand at Hathersage Swimming Pool this Sunday, 1 December! They will perform a mixture of jazz, funk & Christmas classics. If you'd like to come along and swim during their performance, we'd love to see you there. Here is the link for tickets: https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/hathersage-outdoor-pool
- This week’s Interhouse Table Tennis tournament was won by Mam Tor – well done to all involved.
Welcome to our new Parent Governor
We have recruited a new parent governor to join Hope Valley College’s Local Governing Body. WWe are looking forward to working with her to continue our journey of improvement for the benefit of all the young people at Hope Valley. Further details about the Governing Body and how it works are available at www.hopevalley.chorustrust.org/governance.
Nut Allergies
A reminder that nuts should not be brought into school. Please refrain from including items that may contain nuts in packed lunches or snacks. Could we also ask you to be vigilant with cosmetic products that may also contain nuts. We have a number of students in school who suffer from nut allergies. Thank you in advance.
Derbyshire Holiday Activity and Food Programme
It’s About Me, Derbyshire’s Holiday Activity and Food Programme is back again this winter during the school holidays. It’s About Me is a free Holiday Activity and Food Programme funded by the Department for Education offered to children aged between 4-16, eligible for benefits-related free school meals. To find out more information and to order, please go to https://itsaboutmederbyshire.co.uk/ and click ‘Book Now’. Bookings open Monday 2 December 2024 and some are on a first come, first served basis.
Dates for Your Diary
- Wednesday 11 December – Wicked Theatre Trip, GCSE Presentation Evening (rescheduled date)
- Thursday 12 December – Carol Concert at St Peter’s Church, Hope
- Tuesday 17 December – Festive Showcase
- Wednesday 18 December – Christmas Dinner
- Friday 20 December – Christmas Jumper Day, Christmas Bazaar, Break for Christmas
- Monday 6 January – Back to school for all students
- Tuesday 21 January – Y10/11 Intervention Evening
- Thursday 30 January – Y9 Subject Evening
- Tuesday 11 February – Y10 Subject Evening
Thank you for reading our communication. Here are some helpful email addresses, should you need to contact us:
- attendance@hopevalley.chorustrust.org to report a child’s absence
- enquiries@hopevalley.chorustrust.org for general enquiries
- pastoral@hopevalley.chorustrust.org for any issue with a child’s wellbeing
- headteacher@hopevalley.chorustrust.org to contact the Headteacher
- safeguarding@hopevalley.chorustrust.org to report safeguarding concerns. If a child or any young person is in imminent danger, then please report this to the police.
- ptfahv@hopevalley.chorustrust.org to contact the PTFA
Kind regards
Debbie Petts
Headteacher, Hope Valley College
T: 01433 620555