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Safeguarding and child protection

Safeguarding is the most important thing we do at Hope Valley College. We are committed to educating our young people and their parents and carers on how they can stay safe at all times in our community and an ever-changing world.

We recognise that in today’s society our young people are growing up in a more challenging and unpredictable environment which may have additional challenges and dangers that are not immediately noticeable. This may include increasing concerns around social media, online grooming, gangs sexualised behaviour and the exploitation of young people. Other challenges that are posed are the increasingly complex online world with increased access to radical material and pornography which will have an impact on the understanding of what a healthy relationship is. At Hope Valley College we recognise that this is not an exhaustive list and are cognisant of how quickly the world is changing. We utilise this knowledge to ensure that we instil in our young people behaviours that will keep them and others safe through the interventions and support we offer.

We also work closely with community partners and external agencies to understand what contextual factors may be impacting the safety of our young people.

To ensure that our young people are equipped in recognising what is a safeguarding concern and how best to manage these we ensure that we regularly deliver education around key issues every year either through the personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE)/relationships and sex education (RSE) curriculum, specialist workshops or through specific timetabled activities.

You can read our current safeguarding policy on our policies and documents page.

Who to talk to

If you want to speak to someone about any concerns you have for yourself or a young person you know then please contact our safeguarding team:

  • Mrs Debbie Petts – Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead
  • Mr Richard Robinson – Safeguarding Manager and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

You can contact school on 01433 620555 in order to speak to a safeguarding staff member. You could also email

If, as a young person you do not wish to speak to a staff member face-to-face, there are organisations listed on our student wellbeing resources page and at the bottom of this page.

Who to contact when school is closed

If you have any concerns outside the usual school hours you can contact Call Derbyshire on 01629 533190. We also provide support to external agencies during the holidays when one of our young people may be facing a challenging set of circumstances.

Alternatively, if you believe that a young person is at risk of immediate harm then you should call 999.

Early help information

We know that all of our families and carers want to do the best for their young people, but sometimes require some extra support.

Early Help is provided by all who work with children, young people and their families or carers nationally. It is an integral part of how we support our young people and families

When we feel that a young person or family may need an early help assessment our family resource worker will talk with the young person and family to ascertain if this is the right thing. An Early help assessment will be completed to help you and your young person understand what help you may need.

The assessment will be completed by our family resource worker – who is based at the school – during a visit to the family and young person. They will meet with other family members as appropriate and talk to people who are involved with the family such as a health visitors or staff of other schools. They will look at all the strengths and difficulties the family has and gather the views of the family.

As part of the Early Help Assessment, we will:

  • Talk to the young person and their family.
  • Listen carefully to the views of the young person and their family.
  • Look at strengths and needs in the family.
  • Aim to help resolve the difficulties the family is having.
  • Refer to other agencies for support.
  • Keep the family involved in all decisions.
  • Offer support and advice on other services.
  • Keep information confidential unless we have to share information to protect a child.

There are several potential outcomes of the Early Help Assessment:

  • The family may not require any further support at that time.
  • They may need support and we will refer them to other agencies to receive this.
  • If further concerns have been raised, we may need to discuss these with Social Care.

If you are aware of a family who may be in need of support please email

You can also find more information in our safeguarding policy which is on our policies and documents page.