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Staff Team

Staff in school are there to support students and a number of staff have specific roles to provide key support.

At Hope Valley College we believe that students will achieve their full potential if they are happy, recognise that they belong to the school and are provided with support if they are struggling. We pride ourselves on our well-developed pastoral system that is embedded in everything we do.

Form tutors

We have four houses in school:

  • Lose Hill
  • Win Hill
  • Mam Tor
  • Kinder Scout

These form the family to which students belong during their journey through the school and form tutors play a key role in a student’s time at school.

Key stage teams

Each key stage has a leader and pastoral manager who work closely with the form tutors.

Key stage 3 (Years 7-9)

  • Leader of Key Stage 3: Miss A Starbuck
  • Pastoral Manager: Miss J Cooper-Hughes

Key stage 4 (Years 10-11)

  • Leader of Key Stage 4: Mr A Jenkinson
  • Pastoral Manager: Mrs S Daniel

Pastoral staff offer access to extra help when a student’s needs are more complex. They monitor progress and will offer support and guidance on a regular basis to the individual students in their care and develop strong relationships with parents and carers. Students who will benefit from the extra, specialised support of a counsellor are referred by pastoral staff.

Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)

Mr R Griffin is our SENDCo, and offers specialist support to those students who require it.

Heads of faculties

  • Head of Design Faculty: Ms A Nicklin
  • Head of English Faculty: Ms G Worrall
  • Head of Global Studies Faculty: Mr M Fitton
  • Head of Maths Faculty: Mrs K Rumpel
  • Head of Science: Mr S Taylor

Contacting school staff

Details for contacting staff are available on the contact us page.