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Our Uniform Policy is available on the policies and documents page.

School uniform

Our uniform is straight forward, but it is important that all students adhere to our expectations.

Required branded items
  • ​​​​​A navy blue polo shirt with the HVC logo.
  • A navy blue sweatshirt with the HVC logo.
Required non-branded items
  • Students must wear either plain blue or plain black trousers. These can be jeans but not tracksuit bottoms or leggings. Rips, tears and writing are not permitted. Alternatively, students may wear plain navy blue or black knee-length skirts or tailored shorts.
  • Flat shoes or trainers.

PE kit

PE kit is required for all PE lessons but should not be worn to travel to or from school.

Required branded items
  • White polo shirt with HVC logo.
Required non-branded items
  • Black shorts/tracksuit bottoms.
  • Plain black warm layer.
  • Trainers for use indoor or on the multi use games area (MUGA) (clean and in addition to those worn as uniform).
  • Gum guard/shield – these must be worn for activities such as rugby and hockey. Parents/carers should provide these as part of essential PE kit. Teachers will remind students that any protective equipment provided by parents/carers should be used to reduce the severity of any possible injury whilst participating in contact sports lessons and activities.
Football and rugby

Anyone playing football or rugby needs:

  • Knee-high white or black football/rugby socks.
  • Football boots/astroturf trainers (deep grip).
  • Shin pads.

Parents and carers are expected to make sure their child has the correct uniform and PE kit, and that every item is:

  • Clean
  • Clearly labelled with the child’s name
  • In good condition

Parents/carers are also expected to contact the Pastoral Manager if they want to request an amendment to the uniform policy in relation to:

  • Their child’s protected characteristics or health issue

Ordering uniform

New School Uniform

Our supplier is Emblematic Ltd. To order uniform from them please click here.

Their website also has videos about measuring your child for uniform, which you can see here.

Second Hand School Uniform

Second hand school uniform is available from our school reception. Availability does depend on what stock we have in at the time, however we try to keep the full range of uniform and PE kit in a range of sizes available.

If you wish to enquire about purchasing any of the items please contact school at Please include which items you require, the quantity and the size and our reception team will be in touch. There is a small cost of £1 per item of uniform which can be paid either in cash at Reception or through Parent Pay.

If you have any unwanted Hope Valley College uniform, we welcome donations all year round.

Additional Information


In lessons and in the dining room coats, hats and scarves should not be worn. Students can use their school bag to store their coat while inside the building or there are a limited number of lockers available for parents/carers to rent.


  • Students are allowed up to two piercings in each ear and may wear simple stud earrings. A single nose stud is permitted. No other piercings are allowed, and students will be asked to remove any before taking part in lessons. Necklaces are only permitted if worn beneath clothing: they must be removed before taking part in practical lessons such as PE.
  • We recommend that students leave items of value, including jewellery, at home to avoid any loss of or damage to any personal possessions whilst at school. If removed, school cannot be liable for the loss of any items.
  • For health and safety reasons, long nail extensions are not allowed.


All students should have the following equipment:

  • Student Planner
  • 2 x black pens
  • 1 x green pen
  • 2 x pencils
  • ruler
  • rubber
  • pencil sharpener
  • colouring pencils
  • scientific calculator
  • compass
  • set square
  • protractor
  • apron for food tech lessons
  • refillable water bottle

Mobile phones/smartwatches/earphones/ airpods/buds

Our current policy is that mobile phones cannot be used at all during the school day between 8.55am and 3.30pm. This includes break and lunchtime. We understand students want to continue to bring their phones on the journey to school but they must be switched off and in bags throughout the school day. Students may use their phones in outdoor areas of the school site before 8.55am or outdoors after 3.30pm.

Students are given a simple rule to remember about their phones: if we see it, or hear it, we will take it. If a student's phone is confiscated, it will be kept securely at reception where the student can collect it at the end of the day.

Students do not need to check their phones to access timetables or homework whilst in school, they are now provided with a student planner which contains this information.

The use of smartwatches, earphones or airpods/buds is also not permitted within the school building.

We ask for parents' support with our rules by avoiding communicating with their young person during the school day. Parents can help to reduce the need for students to contact home by:

  • Ensuring students have enough money on their dinner account.
  • Checking that students know how they are getting home each day.
  • Helping students to develop good routines for packing their bags and checking they have everything they need for the day at school.

What happens if you don't follow the uniform and equipment rules?

Staff will closely monitor students to make sure they are in correct uniform.

If students attend school in incorrect uniform, parents/carers will be informed by email. Students are expected to be in correct uniform the next day. Staff will also take account of unforeseen circumstances and individual situations, however there is an expectation that students have uniform clean and ready for the week.

If students do not return to school the next day in correct uniform, they will be provided with correct uniform to change into. If they don’t do this, a consequence will be issued.

Ongoing breaches of our uniform policy will be dealt with by the Hope Valley College behaviour for learning procedure.

In cases where it is suspected that financial hardship has resulted in a student not complying with this uniform policy, staff will take a mindful and considerate approach to resolving the situation.


Hope Valley College has a limited number of lockers available for students. These are available to all year groups and are rented directly from a company called Secure Locker Rentals. The cost for the academic year is £26 and they can be booked using this link: Book a locker

The lockers are accessed using a combination lock, once you have booked one a unique 4-digit pin is sent to you directly via email or text message.

At the end of each academic year, all lockers are cleaned, and pin codes are reset ready for parents/carers to book again if they require one.