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Adverse Weather

Our students come from across a large geographical area so we work hard to ensure that families are advised early about any changes to school opening because of adverse weather conditions.

We liaise with the bus companies and do our best to monitor the weather and any changes to bus routes and road closures in Derbyshire. In making any decision regarding changes to our usual arrangements, we are mindful of the health and safety of all concerned as well as understanding of the difficulties families may have in terms of planning in advance, finding childcare etc. We will do our very best to make sure that any decisions are the right ones given the information available to us at the time and that they are communicated to you as soon as practically possible.

Closing school before the start of the school day

In the event of adverse weather, we aim to make a decision regarding school closure by 7am. If school is closed we will notify parents and carers by:

  • Adding a message to the front page of the school website.
  • Emailing parents and carers on our normal email list.
  • Texting parents and carers.
  • Add a message to Facebook and Instagram.
  • Including information on the Derbyshire County Council website.

We ask that parents do not telephone school to enquire whether or not school is open, as this slows down our ability to notify all parents and carers via the channels above.

Closing school during the school day

It is never a preferred option to close during the school day as we recognise students travel from a wide geographical area. We liaise with the bus companies and monitor the weather and, if we decide to close the school, we will notify parents and carers by:

  • Adding a message to the front page of the school website.
  • Emailing parents and carers on our normal email list.
  • Texting parents and carers.
  • Add a message to Facebook and Instagram.
  • Including information on the Derbyshire County Council website.

In the event of a closure during the school day, students will be signed out of school and leave the site using their normal means of transport. We aim to communicate with parents and carers as buses leave the school site.

Decisions regarding the next day will be sent to parents and carers using the communication methods listed above.

Keeping up with school work

While the school is closed, students can keep up to date with their work by using the learning from home page of this website.